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started building @ 02:15


finished building @ 04:12


Please spend a while reading thru this site, I hope it provokes all of us into doing something, specially if you have not done so already

The Score
I spent the evening of the 23rd April at a talk organised by 12 Northwest London Boys and Girls. First there was an informal talk by a guy from the Israeli Embassy in London. He pointed out the facts that everyone seems to be forwarding via email about Israel and its inception, claim to the land, and about Palestinian education etc.

More importantly, he spoke about Israel at war and negotiation since Independence; Israel's constant need to justify her existence, the unbalanced news reporting, Israel's shit PR (his own words) and how Israel has found itself in a horrible propaganda war that it is losing.

Victory cannot come from violence. It can only be won on a diplomatic level.

About this Site
The organisers of the evening I attended handed out an information pack about ways to help Israel and our fellow Jews.This site basically reiterates the handout.In effect, I am plagiarising the handout, but I do so facilitating education and encouraging action.
These are ways the hundreds of people have suggested helping.

Please remember, I take no credit for these suggestions whatsoever.

The Life
Amongst the crowd that gathered in the Synagogue hall in Hendon, I noticed several faces from my old Zionist Youth Movement. Amongst those, one of my Madrichim (youth leaders) that had made aliyah (to Emigrate to Israel) three years ago. He spoke about what it has been like to live in Israel since Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem months ago.
He explained that what he loves about his life in Israel is the sense of community one may experience, not uncommon to what we experience here in London; in a round about way all the Jew crews stick together and know each other. He talked about how this sense of community has sadly translated into nervously aware and suspicious Israelis - that when you are stopped at the traffic lights in your car; when chilling in a cafe with friends; when you going shopping; that in everyday Israeli life, one finds themselves checking out what is going on around them, looking out for anything suspicious as a result of the premeditated murders that have occurred, that killed his friend and his friend's fiancee in Moments Cafe.

History of Israel
Click on this Image & visit the Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century by Matthew White
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